Electronic Equipment
Duration: 3 Years 3 Months + 3 Months (OJT)
修习期:3年 3个月 + 3个月(在职培训)
Entry Requirement (Level 2): 15 Years & Above
Entry Requirement (DKM) / 入学资格(第四级):
* – 17 Years & Above / 年满17岁或以上
– SKM Level 3 in Electronic Equipment / 需有电子设备(第三级)证书
Theory & Practical
Assist Loan Application *
* Terms and Conditions Apply 须符合条件*
Electronic Equipment Course
Course Overview
- This course will be focus on troubleshooting, repair, development and maintenance of electronic equipment and appliances.
- Student will be able to do additional electronic project circuit by doing continuously practice in soldering, drawing schematic diagram, troubleshooting an electronic circuit and also performs preventive and corrective maintenance.
- Records of proof skills (portfolio) will be develop for each level achieve.
- Company from industry are currently looking for more skills technician to work in the industry especially graduates from Electronic Equipment Repair Course.
- This electronic equipment repair course is recognized by the Ministry of Human Resources (MoHR) and accredited by Department of Skills Development (JPK)
- All instructors for this Electronic Equipment Repair Course are recognize by Department of Skill Development (JPK) and certified with the SKM Vocational Training Officer (VTO).
- Personal values, Social Skills, Core Abilities and Level of Discipline will be also enhance during the course.
- Job placement for those graduates that completed their 2 years of training. *T & C Apply
- 这课程主要专注于电子设备和器材的故障排除,维修, 开发和维护.
- 通过不间断的练习焊接,绘制电子图,对电子电路进行故障排除,以及执行预防性和纠正性维护,学生将能够进行额外的电子电路项目.
- 记录每个阶段所学到的技能.
- 来自工业领域的公司目前正在寻找更多电子设备维修课程的毕业生以成为相关领域的技术人员.
- 电子设备课程获得人力资源部认可,和被马来西亚技术发展局认证.
- 电子设备课程所有的导师都考取职业培训官(VTO)的马来西亚技术证书,并获得马来西亚技术发展局(JPK)的认可.
- 在课程的学习期间将会提升个人的价值观,社交能力,就业技能和纪律的水平.
- 为完成培训的毕业生安排就业机会.(需符合条件)
Students will be able to install and troubleshoot Instrument and Test Equipment, Industrial Equipment and prepare electronic schematic drawings,
- To ensure all the Electronic Equipment Installation & Troubleshooting student (Level 2) & (Level 3) should be able to perform the following competencies where deemed competent;
- Perform Instrument and Test Equipment Set Up &Handling
- Perform Industrial Electronic Equipment Installation
- Perform Instrument and Test Equipment Troubleshooting
- Perform Industrial Equipment Troubleshooting
- Perform Electronic Schematic Drawing
- Perform Electronic Product Quality Control
- Perform Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Configuration and Programming
- Perform Electronic Equipment Preventive Maintenance
- Perform Electronic Equipment Corrective Maintenance
- Perform Electronic Appliance Repair & Maintenance
- Perform Electronic Equipment Administration
- Perform Electronic Product and Technology Improvement
- Perform Electronic Quality Assurance
- Perform Microcontroller Configuration
- 确保电子设备安装与故障检修的第二级,第三级和第四级的学生可以执行以下的职能:
- 执行器材组装和使用
- 执行工业电子设备安装
- 执行仪器和设备检修
- 执行工业电子设备故障检修
- 执行电子结构绘图
- 执行电子产品质量管理
- 执行可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)设置与程式设计
- 执行电子设备保养
- 执行电子设备维修与保养
- 执行电子器材维修与保养
- 执行电子设备管理
- 执行电子产品和技术改进
- 执行电子产品质量保证
- 执行微控制器的构造
course structure 课程结构
- Instrument and Test Equipment Set Up & Handling
- Industrial Electronic Equipment Installation
- Instrument and Test Equipment Troubleshooting
- Industrial Equipment Troubleshooting
- Electronic Schematic Drawing
- Electronic Appliances Troubleshooting
- Electronic Product Quality Control
- Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Configuration
- Electronic Equipment Preventive Maintenance
- Electronic Appliance Repair & Maintenance
- Electronic Equipment Corrective Maintenance
- Electronic Equipment Administration
- Electronic Product & Technology Improvement
- Electronic Product Quality Assurance
- Microcontroller Configuration
- PLC Programming
- Electronic Product Quality Assurance Control Assistant Engineer/ Supervisor 电子产品质量保证助理/主管
- Electronic Equipment Coordinator/Facilitator 电子设备协调员
- Electronic Production Supervisor/Leader 电子制作主管/领导
- Electronic Equipment Instrumentation Personnel 电子仪器技术人员
- Embedded System Programmer 嵌入式系统程序员
- Industrial Product Designer 工业产品设计师
- Assistant Electronic Engineer 电子工程师助理